We leave no stone unturned,
no opportunity unexplored.

The Griot is a repository of oral tradition and is often seen as a leader due to his or her position as an advisor to royal personages. We tell our stories through communication. The Griot team develops strategic communications solutions for individuals and businesses that are committed to making an unforgettable impact in their chosen areas of expertise.

Sheila Nana Amoafo

As a technology lead, Sheila is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of technology solutions that support the goals and objectives of Griot Insights. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends and developments, she is constantly seeking opportunities to learn and expand her skills. Her ultimate goal is to leverage her expertise to drive business growth and deliver exceptional customer experiences through technology.

Janice Gbedemah

Janice is responsible for overseeing the daily operations at Griot. As a Certified Google Data Analyst, Janice possesses extensive knowledge and experience in both qualitative and quantitative research. In addition to her role as the operations lead, Janice also focuses on extracting meaningful insights from data to support clients in their business strategies.

Leading industries command industry leading services.

Financial Institutions

Creating a brand in the finance area presents a complex procedure, shaped by signals and functional operating of different departments within the bank.


Corporate Branding

We facilitate communication between a company as well as its customers. Each process is carefully thought out and selected in order to convey the company’s image of itself in addition to its preferred way of appearing to customers.


Public Organisations

The analytics technology available today allows for sophisticated and automated sentiment monitoring and predictive analysis.



Many schools and educational organizations need to connect with people of all ages and social backgrounds, social media can be the ideal platform to create a strong brand.
